Demo v1.0.0 (2024-06-01)


The private build has finished testing!

It's time for the game to be publicly released to everyone!

General Changes

Added credits that can be accessed in the files

EXP increased from all enemies to make it faster to level up

Reduced the level requirement of the gate from 10 to 8

Changed it so that new party members would have the same level as Moriko when they first join

Made it so entering a certain fight after reaching Phase 2 would begin the fight with Phase 2, if you have already reached it before

Removed critical chances from happening during the first tutorial battle

Balance Changes

Bind - Duration reduced from 3 turns to 2 turns

Sakura - Reduced from 150% to 130% of user's damage

Flash - Is now single hit rather than three hits. Ignores target's defense. Reduced from 100% to 70% of user's damage

Sharpen - Increased critical chance from +15% to +30%. Increased damage from +20% to +50%. Cooldown reduced from 7 turns to 5 turns. Duration reduced from 5 turns to 3 turns.

Bug Fixes

Fixed the bug where the mage character would not get SP recovery from regular enemies

Fixed the "Resurrection" technique using the wrong HP amount for the description.

Fixed invisible walls appearing on the dock of the beach.

Get Moriko no Gakusha

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