Demo v1.1.0 (2024-06-07)

A small content update has been released to fix some of the problems that players have been running into!

General Changes

Added the ability to view state descriptions while in battle, by hovering over them with the mouse cursor

All states have been affected by this change! Not all of them are going to be shown here, below is just an example:

The transfer into the mountain area has been made more visible, so that the player can actually notice it exists

Added a sign that informs the player about the shrine area

Balance Changes


Healing increased from 1 HP every 2 stacks to 1 HP every 1 stack

Resurrection's healing is now affected by the 50% healing reduction debuff

Cooldown decreased from 8 turns to 7 turns

Bug Fixes

Removed the ability to skip to Phase 2 in a certain boss fight due to making it reach Phase 2 for a second time when at half HP

Fixed the No Critical status being visible in the tutorial despite being an invisible state

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